FMSLogo was originally called MSWLogo. It was written by George Mills and based on UCBLogo, which was written by Brian Harvey. A large, international community adopted MSWLogo, translated it into several languages, and created countless lessons plans around it.
I wish to extend my sincerest thanks to everyone who has used, supported, criticized, praised, filed a bug on, or otherwise contributed to either FMSLogo or MSWLogo.
Thanks to:
- Alexandre Soares
- Andreas Micheler
- Andrzej Pruszynski
- Andy Owen
- Anthony Barnett
- Ayurzanaeva Aryuna
- Bertrand Carette
- Bob Gorman
- Bruce Mardle
- Carl Bogardus
- Clem Rutter
- Daniel Ajoy
- Domagoj Kuna
- Francesco Simone Carta
- Hensley Bass
- Igor Baglaev
- Jan-Niklas Grabe
- Jason Gervich
- Jelko Urbančič
- Jim Foster
- Juan J. Paredes G.
- Kari Hoijarvi
- Lion Nik Kucev
- Lionel Laske
- Manfred Zindel
- Michael Malin
- Mike Sandy
- Narayanan Chitoor
- Pavel Boytchev
- Peter De Wachter
- Ralf Kurth
- Relja Medic
- Rosario Ruiz
- Sascha Zindel
- Serio Adamo
- Stefano Federici
- Stephan Vogel
- Tankhasaev Ayur
- Theodoros Chatzigiannakis
- 冷家锋 (pachleng)
Special thanks to:
- George Mills
- Brian Harvey
- Jim Muller
- Erich Neuwirth
- Yehuda Katz
It is my hope that FMSLogo's home on SourceForge will serve as a focal point for future community involvement.