YESNOBOX title question

Displays a dialog box with title in the title bar and question as the message. The dialog also has "Yes", "No", and "Cancel" buttons. FMSLogo does not evaluate any further instructions until the user clicks one of these buttons. The commander window is also disabled until dialog is dismissed. If the user presses "Yes", then YESNOBOX outputs the TRUE and instruction evaluation continues. If the user presses "No", then YESNOBOX outputs the FALSE and instruction evaluation continues. If the user presses "Cancel", then instruction evaluation is halted, as if by the HALT command.

Both the title and question inputs should be either lists or words. For list inputs, the contents of the list is used, not the list, itself. The inputs are truncated according to the current values of PRINTWIDTHLIMIT and PRINTDEPTHLIMIT.

The yes/no box is automatically sized to fit question. The question is not word-wrapped, so if you have a long question, you may want to put in some line breaks.

SHOW YESNOBOX [Question] [Do you like Logo?]
true Logo