MCI mci-command-list
(MCI mci-command-list callback)

MCI lets you write Logo procedures to manipulate multimedia devices. With it, you can link sounds to the steps of drawing a picture. You can narrate your own slide show. You can even ask your user questions in your own voice. The MCI interface is very powerful. It opens the door to letting Logo control any multimedia device, including sound cards, CD players, movies, and more.

Depending on the command, MCI may (or may not) output a status that indicates if the command was successful.

The mci-command-list input must be a list. The format of the list is described in the section entitled The Media Control Interface.

The MCI allows you to start a device and optionally "wait" for it to finish or to have it "notify" you when it has finished by running the callback input. The callback input is an instruction list that is run when the MCI command completes if you use the "notify" option. The "notify" mechanism allows you, for example, to play a wave file and be notified when it has completed so that you can start another immediately without sitting and "waiting" for it.

  PRINT MCI [open c:\\windows\\tada.wav type waveaudio alias wa1]
  PRINT MCI [open c:\\windows\\ding.wav type waveaudio alias wa2]
  MCI [seek wa1 to start]
  MCI [play wa1 wait]

  REPEAT 2 [
    MCI [seek wa2 to start]
    MCI [play wa2 wait]

  MCI [close wa1]
  MCI [close wa2]
END Logo