MAP.SE templatelist data
(MAP.SE templatelist data1 data2 ...)

Outputs a list formed by evaluating templatelist repeatedly and concatenating the results using SENTENCE. That is, the members of the output are the members of the results of the evaluations. The output list might, therefore, be of a different length from that of the data input(s). (If the result of an evaluation is the empty list, it contributes nothing to the final output.) The data inputs may be words or lists.

In a template, the symbol ?REST represents the portion of the data input to the right of the member currently being used as the ? slot-filler. For example, if the data input is [A B C D E] and the template is being evaluated with ? replaced by B, then ?REST would be replaced by [C D E]. If multiple parallel slots are used, then (?REST 1) goes with ?1, etc.

In a template, the symbol # represents the position in the data input of the member currently being used as the ? slot-filler. For example, if the data input is [A B C D E] and the template is being evaluated with ? replaced by B, then # would be replaced by 2.

SHOW (MAP.SE "LIST [a b c] [d e f])
[a d b e c f] Logo